monday, 16.september 2024, 23.36 h

Current Projects

january 2013: wristband "owl"

Custom Design,
3 colors (beige, brown, red),

to the ready wristband

  • Punziertes Armband Eule

december 2012: belt "Greyhounds 2"

Neuanfertigung nach
Zerlegung durch Hund.

to the ready belt

  • Punzierter Gürtel

november 2012: guitar strap "RomAndy"

size ajustable, 5 mm leather,
5,5 cm wide,
custom design with atelier-name
2 colours

  • guitar strap

october 2012: triskele bag

custom work, unique,
an a blank bag,
individual design
bag cover and front carvedt,
3 colours

to the ready bag

  • Triskele-bag

october 2012: knife sheath

for a forged knife, blade made of a aus einer ice skating blade,
handle of pine tree with woobine, selfmade,
knife sheath own fantasy design, 3 colours

  • Messerscheide

september 2012: wine signs

6 different signs
for a medieval wine trader,
3 to 4 colours, according to the sort, diffenrent shpaes and sizes

to the ready signs

  • Schilder Weinsorten

1. and 2. september 2012: medieval market in Merzalben

to the market pictures

  • Mittelaltermarkt Merzalben

august 2012: knife sheath "Dragon"

for a children wood sword,
with custom dragon design,
2 colurs
with name leather carving

  • Schwertscheide für Kinder-Holzschwert

august 2012: wristband "Biomech"

custom work,
biomechanic design at the customers option,
3 colurs,
absolutely unique

to the ready wristband
  • carved wristband

july 2012: belt "Greyhounds"

custom work,
individual design

to the ready belt
  • carvedr Gürtel

july 2012: special bag "Ocarina"

custom bag for an ocarina,
absolutely unique,
own design,
measures ca. 160 x 120 x 75 mm
bag cover, front
and the broad side are carved,
braided seams
4 colours

to the ready bag
  • carved Gürteltasche

june 2012: mug "Squirrel"

test project,
design cut with swivel knife, without carving,

  • carved wristband

june 2012: wristband "Triskele"

custom work,
individual design with a triskele

to the ready wristband
  • carved wristband

june 2012: wristband "tree of life"

custom work,
individual design with tree of life,
2 colurs, antique finish

to the ready wristband
  • carved wristband

june 2012: belt bag "Sun"

custom work, unique
individual design
maesures ca. 190 x 200 x 65 mm
bag cover and sides carved,
3 colours

to the ready belt bag
  • carved Gürteltasche

june 2012: match bag "Natural"

custom work, uncoloured

  • carved Streichholztasche

may 2012: wristband mit sheepdog und lillies

custom work on a
medieval market,
2 colurs

to the ready wristband
  • carved wristband

may 2012: dragon patch for a bag

custom work, 3 colours
pendant for a belt bag,
which wasn't carveable itself

to the ready patch
  • carvedr Patch für eine bag

18.-19. may 2012: medieval market in Gersheim

to the market pictures
  • Mittelaltermarkt in Gersheim

5.-6. may 2012: medieval market in Oppenheim

to the market pictures
  • Mittelaltermarkt in Oppenheim

april 2012: book cover

own design with flower ornament, snake
and a poem

to the ready book cover
  • carvedr Bucheinband

april 2012: dog collar "Tuan"

custom design with dog ornament,
with name leather carving, 2 layers, 3 colours

to the ready collar
  • carved Hundehalsband Tuan

march 2012: wristband "Loki"

custom design wit loki and draupnir,
3 colours

to the ready wristband
  • carved  wristband Loki

march 2012: cat collar "Fredda"

with name leather carving,
individual design

to the ready collar
  • carved Katzenhalsband

february 2012: wristband with flower ornament

with date leather carving,
individual deisgn, 3 colours
to the ready wristband
  • carved wristband

january 2012: smart phone bag

customisation for a
Samsung Galaxy with leather carving
an the cover, on the front
and on the sides.

to the ready bag
  • carved Handytasche